Love O2O (微微一笑很倾城, Just One Smile is Very Alluring) Chapter 6: The Honeymoon

Update 10/5/17: I will no longer be translating Love O2O. I've had Ch 7 partially translated and sitting in my drafts folder for months now, but I just don't have the motivation to continue. There are other completed translations of Love O2O, so please check them out. For now I will focus on translating songs.

Even though they are husband and wife, Wei Wei believes this is her relationship with NaiHe.

Great Master and the subordinate.


Of course, NaiHe is the Great Master, and she is the subordinate that rushes forward first to kill monsters and scrambles to run errands. As to why Wei Wei feels like this, of course it's because of the celestial items.

Taking items from someone is so embarrassing >o< Wei Wei decides to work off her debt!

There isn't any change after marrying. A large part of time is still spent with YuGong and them completing quests and leveling up. The only difference is she may go off with NaiHe to spend some time as a couple.

The so-called "couple time" is actually doing couple-exclusive quests.

In Meng You Jiang Hu, after male and female characters get married, they'll get three random abilities as a couple. If the couple enters battle simultaneously, there'll be a chance the three abilities will activate. These abilities can be leveled up by a couple's intimacy. Apart from stupidly waiting in the same bedroom, the fastest way to level up intimacy is by doing couple-exclusive quests.

Actually, male and female characters can bet married once they reach level 30. Therefore for "late bloomers [1]" like WeiWei and YiXiaoNaiHe, the beginning couple-exclusive quests were as easy as pie [2]. All of the battles didn't require Great Master NaiHe to step in; WeiWei alone can handle it.

Thus the most common scene is a red-clad heroine rushing to attack while a white-clothed musician sits by a brook under a tree peacefully playing the qin.

... ...

No matter how you say it, the scene is very ethereal, very familial.

Today, WeiWei and NaiHe go to do more quests. YuGongPaShan and HouZiJiu are bored and decides to get in on the action too. In the end, they see several consecutive battles where only WeiWei attacks, and NaiHe just strolls around looking at the scenery, occasionally healing WeiWei. The two resentfully point at NaiHe: "You are shameless, hiding behind sister-in-law and leaching experience points!"

NaiHe isn't the least bit ashamed and sends a sighing emoji, replying: "After mooching off [3] so much, you get used to it." Then he added: "You bachelors wouldn't understand."

YuGongPaShan and HouZiJiu were provoked by this and indignantly team up to PK NaiHe. Even though it's two versus one, they still lost. They lay on the ground playing dead and refuse to get up. WeiWei just finishes killing a monster and returns, accidentally stepping over their dead bodies. -.-

YuGongPaShan immediately wails: "Sister-in-law, I'll ignore that you don't appreciate us, but stepping on us is too much! I can't die in peace!"

HouZiJiu: "Indeed, the husband and wife are of one mind. We shouldn't interfere with their affairs."

WeiWei is in disbelief with those two. Those boys were definitely bullied by NaiHe again, so now they're teasing her. Once they start, there's no stopping them. Since the quest is completed, WeiWei immediately says: "I'm going to pick herbs."

She leaves NaiHe and runs away.

Gathering herbs in the game is very boring. It's stupidly standing at specific locations and clicking to pick herbs. While WeiWei is gathering herbs, Wei Wei grabs the 6th level test[4] to study. This year, Wei Wei signed up to take the 6th level test. Actually, last year someone in the dorm applied to take it, but at that time Wei Wei wasn't confident she would get an excellent score. That's why she didn't also apply.

After gather herbs for a while, the friend chat starts to flash. It's a message from NaiHe: "Come to the west side of  TianShan Snowy Lake."

WeiWei hurriedly races over.

TianShan Snowy Lake is currently the most difficult area. The monsters there are extremely strong, so few players go there. WeiWei immediately sees NaiHe at Snowy Lake's west bank. By his side stands another male character, but there is a green light around the other character's body. It seems like a "body bind" curse.

The body bind is a very high level skill and also cruel to use. Once it hits, you can't escape; you are frozen in place while being attacked until the spell wears off. NaiHe's celestial kitten has the spell ability. Sure enough when WeiWei walked over, NaiHe says: "I used my cat to freeze him. You can attack him at your leisure."

Wei Wei is confused. Sure understands attacking him, but at: "My leisure?"

"Mmhm, switch to your weakest weapon. Then little by little dice him."

Little by little.....what, don't tell me Great Master has some animosity toward that guy? Wei Wei looks at the player's ID, MoDaoShiXue; it does look a little familiar.

At this moment, MoDaoShiXue began to curse: "Fuck! YiXiaoNaiHe! I just called you out for pairing up with a loose girl. If you have the guts, then attack me. What does sending your women count as?"


Wei Wei remembers now. No wonder why this person's ID looks familiar. It was the day she got married. He was on the world chat jeering at YiXiaoNaiHe for marrying ZhenShuiWuXiang's ex wife. At that time, she did write down his ID, so she would attack him every time they met. But lately she had been happily playing and forgot.

Who knew...

WeiWei looks at YiXiaoNaiHe, white clothes fluttering in the wind. She thought he didn't even notice. Not only did he see, he also remembered. Additionally, he didn't mention it to her, as if wasn't an issue.

While Wei Wei strengths her conviction not to get on Great Master's bad side, she searches her bag.

MoDaoShiXue sees LuWeiWeiWei hasn't moved for a long time and begins to hope she's too tenderhearted to attack him. To his surprise, he sees her emote a large smiley face and a phrase: "Haha, found it. Good think I never tossed my beginner gear."

MoDaoShiXue is so mad he can faint and looks on helplessly as the female warrior uses the weakest weapon to attack. A red damage counter shows above his head - "1"

1 point!

With a few thousand health points, that means he'll be attacked a couple thousand times!

Wei Wei selects automatic attack and watches gleefully as the red-clad heroine attacks him repeatedly. MoDaoShiXue continues to curse, but it's all directed at YiXiaoNaiHe to end it.

"I have a foul mouth. Kill me and I'll own up to it. Give me a quick death!"

YiXiaoNaiHe unhurriedly responds: "Don't worry. You won't die. When your health gets low, I'll heal you/"

 Wei Wei thinks it's a little weird. Since MoDao wants to die, why doesn't he sign off? If a player logs off during a fight, then the system will decide depending on the circumstances whether the character runs away or dies. If MoDao doesn't care about dying, then why does he stand there letting them attack him?

WeiWei sends a message to NaiHe: "Did he lose his mind? Why doesn't he log off?"

NaiHe's response quickly comes: "He's doing an ongoing quest."

Wei Wei laughs until her sides hurt.

Great Master, you are, you are infuriating! So treacherous and conniving!

Ongoing quests in Meng You Jiang Hu are the most cruel and tortuous out of all the quests. It's because it doesn't matter how much of the quest you've completed. If you don't finish it in one go, then there's no experience rewarded; if you can finish it without stopping, then the experience points and rewards are ultra high. Also, you can't die or log off during an ongoing quest. Otherwise, you have to start from the beginning again. However, many players began to fiercely criticize the rules, so the system altered the rules a little. Depending on the quest's difficulty, a player can die up to three times during the quest but still cannot log off. The quest must be finished in one attempt.

Wei Wei has done many ongoing quests. Looking back, TianShan Snowy Lake is a mission in the most tortuous ongoing quest. There are 99 missions total, and if she remembers correctly, TianShan Snowy Lake is the last one....


[1] "late bloomers" - The actual phrase is 晚婚, which directly translates to "late marriage." I'm not sure if that's an expression/idiom/phrase in Chinese or something the author put into quotes for emphasis. For now, I'll put it as "late bloomer” to emphasize that WeiWei and NaiHe married later than most couples. 

[2] the beginning couple-exclusive quests were as easy as pie - the phrase in chinese translates to " as easy as eating bai cai (chinese lettuce)". Obviously this doesn't make sense in English, so I changed it. Different phrase, same meaning.

[3] After mooching off so much, you get used to it." - the phrase is 软饭吃多了. I had to look this one up. It means living off of a women, basically relying on her for everything, kind of like a sugar mama. However, since this is NaiHe (really sophisticated and classy), I can't let him say something crass like sugar mama. That's why I subbed it for "mooching off."

[4] 6th level test - the phrase is 六级卷子. I literally translated this. I have no idea what it's talking about. If anyone has a clue please let me know!


Chapter 6 is finally up!!!!!! Months late!!! Ahahahaha.....all I can say is a new job, new apartment, and a messed up internet really slows down translations. Also my lack of dedication might play a small part...

I'm being sent off to training soon, which is a couple months long. I'm not sure if I'll be posting regularly during that time. I'll do my best! While I have lost my interest in Love O2O, I'm determined to see it through! Thanks for hanging in there with me! 

As always, feedback is very welcome! Let me know your thoughts and what you would like to see next. 

See ya! Spores signing off.

P.S. of Randomness:
I might get a puppy! Maybe. Not sure if I can handle the responsibility. 


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