Heart Protection: Chapter 90

 The news of Su Ying's night attack quickly spread until everyone knew. By the time Yan Hui woke up, the servants in Zhu Li's residence had already whispered several versions to each other. 

Among the versions, there were many that said Ling Xiao had adored Zhenren Su Ying for many years and came to save Zhenren Su Ying from her perilous situation. Yan Hui only silent ate when she heard this.

After sleeping on it, Yan Hui calmed down and clearly understood that there was nothing wrong with Ling Xiao coming to save Zhenren Su Ying. He used Xian Ge's life as blackmail because to him, she was a demon, an enemy. On the other hand, Su Ying was a symbol for the cultivation sects. It was understandable what he did to save Su Ying's life.

The reason why Yan Hui couldn't accept this was because on one hand, after so many years, Xian Ge was one of her few close friends. She naturally was very upset that Ling Xiao wanted to kill Xian Ge. On the other hand, it was because she was disappointed........

Disappointed that Ling Xiao was able to make it in time to save Su Ying. However, back then he wasn't able to make it back in time to Chen Xing Mountain to save Head Senior Disciple.

Yan Hui knew she was just venting her anger. She was able to reason and analyze her emotions, but she wasn't able to control her anger towards Ling Xiao.

Thinking of this, the next mouthful of food Yan Hui took had a strange feel. She felt her mouth grow hot, and a message suddenly appeared in her mind: Feng Qian Shuo invites Miss to meet him one mile in the forest towards the southeast.

Yan Hui's eyebrow twitched. This was a message from Feng Qian Shuo. He actually planted a hidden spy in Qing Qiu and was able to relay a message in these kinds of circumstances! This Qi Jue Group really was crafty.

However thinking about it, Feng Qian Shuo had risen up with Ling Xiao's assistance. He helped Ling Xiao with matters, and Ling Xiao obtained who-knows-how-many pieces of intel from the jianghu. Meeting her now........Yan Hui looked down. Suddenly, recalled what she heard from Huan Xiao Yan before. Feng Qian Shuo, thinking that Xian Ge was dead, had clutched her "corpse" and derangedly  wouldn't let people touch. Then this time he came to........

Yan Hui set down her chopsticks and turned to leave. She had just walked out the door when she ran into Tian Yao.

He saw she was leaving without planning to invite him alone. His eyes slightly moved: "You're not going to cultivate today?"

Yan Hui looked over: "I'm going to the cold spring to bathe. I'm planning on recuperating my body first. Don't follow me." Yan Hui left after saying that without taking another look at Tian Yao.

Tian Yao glanced at her back and said: "The magic aura in your mouth hasn't completely dissipated yet. Don't talk to anyone on your way there."

"Uh!" Yan Hui turned her head back. Her lips curled and she said with no choice: "Come along then. Don't get discovered."

This time when Yan Hui turned and left, Tian Yao slightly smiled. 

That's right, he just wanted to follow her.

Yan Hui reached the meeting place Feng Qian Shuo set and waited there. Not a while longer, a cloaked man stepped out from behind a thick tree trunk. When he saw Yan Hui, his mouth curved into its usual smile. However compared to his flirtatious expression from before, it was less carefree and more worry-filled.

"Miss Yan, it's been a while since we have met. I trust that you have been well."

"I haven't been well, but I'm already better." Yan Hui made a brief reply and then cut straight to the point. "Let's get to it. What did you call me here for?"

Feng Qian Shuo became serious: "It's about Xian Ge."

Yan Hui's back straightened a little at those words.

"I already know about the deal between Su Ying and the nine-tailed fox demons. Three days from now, Xian Ge and Liu Mu Sheng will be exchanged and returned to Qing Qiu. I want Miss Yan to help me at that time," said Feng Qian Shuo. "Miss, are you willing to or not?"

"Tell me first exactly what you want me to help with."

"I want Xian Ge to return to Central Plains and live under my protection for the rest of her life."

Yan Hui was silent upon hearing this. She held her chin in her hand and contemplated while saying: "Leader Feng, I'll be frank with you. You did help me with the Heavenly Fragrance shop matter. As far as I'm concerned, I owe you a favor. However compared to Xian Ge, you are not my friend. I am Xian Ge's friend. When considering a matter, naturally I'll be on her side. In three days, Xian Ge and Liu Mu Sheng will be exchanged. There doesn't seem to be any harm with her returning to Qing Qiu. However in three days, you want me to help you, hand Xian Ge over to you, and have her return to your Qi Jue Group. There doesn't seem to be anything good about that." Yan Hui looked at Feng Qian Shuo. "Again I ask you, why should I help you?"

"Because Xian Ge had already betrayed Qing Qiu's nine-tailed fox demon clan." The cold light in Feng Qian Shuo's eyes sharpened into a sword. It made people who saw it tremble. "Returning to Qing Qiu definitely won't be a good ending for her."

Yan Hui was very shocked by that: "Xian Ge........" She actually took a step foward. "When did Xian Ge betray Qing Qiu?"

"Nine-tailed fox demon Princess Yun Xi went missing in Central Plains, following which she was murdered by Su Ying. Qi Jue Group knew this piece of information long ago. Qi Jue Group also knew that Nine-tailed fox demon Zhu Li came to Central Plains to look for Yun Xi. Wang Yu Luo is the most important one of my my Qi Jue Group's information network. Xian Ge acted as the head of Wang Yu Luo. Aside from my personal intel, everything will pass through Xian Ge. There is no way she wouldn't know that kind of information."

"If Xian Ge wasn't a nine-tailed fox demon, hiding this information wouldn't be so wrong. Not letting this intel out would spare the xian cultivators' reputation. However, Xian Ge is a nine-tailed fox demon. She is of their blood yet didn't send the information back to Qing Qiu. Even when Zhu Li arrived with his servant to Qi Jue Group for information, not a single piece of Yun Xi's news was given out."

As Feng Qian Shuo talked, Yan Hui's eyes grew wider and wider.

That's right. How did she miss this?

Back then when Yan Hui and Tian Yao ran into Zhu Li, he was near Qi Jue Group's village base looking for information. Xian Ge concealed and didn't reveal the intel. Even though at that point Yun Xi was already dead and couldn't be brought back to life, she at least could've sent that news back earlier for the demons at Qing Qiu to know. 

But she didn't do that........


Yan Hui looked at Feng Qian Shuo. When she saw him, Yan Hui suddenly realized why. Xian Ge actually love Feng Qian Shuo that much. Just to stay by his side a little longer, she actually dared go against her own identity and cover up such alarming news.

If it wasn't for the news of Princess Yun Xi's death leaking out, then Qing Qiu and the cultivators wouldn't so quickly become irreconcilable forces. At least on the surface, there would be peace. Xian Ge also wouldn't have been urgently recalled back by Qing Qiu's heir........

Xian Ge, she........

Seeing Yan Hui's shocked speechless face, the light in Feng Qian Shuo's eyes slightly dimmed. He looked down: "Seems like I don't need to say more. You also know why Xian Ge's actions implies."

Yes, Yan Hui knew. This meant that Xian Ge loved a mortal man who helped xian cultivators handle matters. Furthermore, she hid the death of her own blood-related aunt.

She betrayed Qing Qiu, betrayed the nine-tailed fox demon clan.

Betrayal of the bloodline was perhaps the most taboo for the nine-tailed fox demon clan.

"Now, can you ask what harm is there with Xian Ge returning to Qing Qiu?" said Feng Qian Shuo. "If the people in Qing Qiu are idiots, then they will never realize this. Then naturally there would be no harm with Xian Ge staying at Qing Qiu. However Miss Yan, do you know why when Su Ying cross San Chong Mountain and launched a surprised attack, why the nine-tailed fox demon clan sent two princes and Xian Ge to the front lines? Qing Qiu guards the weak. The little fox demons grow up under the king's protection. Have you heard which of Qing Qiu's heir and lords are being sent to meet Su Ying and where?"

Yan Hui silently shook her head.

"None." Feng Qian Shuo's expression was cold. "The nine-tailed fox demon clan suspects Xian Ge. Not to mention, Qing Qiu's king let the heavily surrounded Su Ying and Ling Xiao go in order to get back Xian Ge........"

No wonder why!

No wonder why the atmosphere at Xian Ge's welcome banquet was strange. No wonder why Xian Ge had nothing to do after returning to Qing Qiu while everyone else was run off their feet with matters. No wonder why after Su Ying and Ling Xiao left, the heir apparent remorsefully said to the king: "I am guilty."

All of Qing Qiu's princes saw Xian Ge as a "traitor." And to get back a "traitor", Qing Qiu's king actually lost the opportunity to kill two xian cultivators and come out on top of the battle!

Yan Hui was shocked speechless. It was only after putting together the slightest of slight details that she understood. It turns out after all this time, there was this kind of reasoning hidden.  

"Miss Yan, if you are Xian Ge's friend, then in times like these, you should help her. Don't let her return to Qing Qiu. If she returns, even if she lives, will the rest of her life be well?"

Yan Hui remained silent for a long time. In the end, she gritted her teeth: "What about you? If Xian Ge returns with you, will the rest of her life be well?"

Feng Qian Shuo looked at Yan Hui for a moment and then unexpectedly smiled: "Miss Yan, do you know what I abhor the most?"

"Xian Ge once told me. You hate betrayal the most."

"That's right. However, when I found out that Xian Ge was a nine-tailed fox demon who was sent by Qing Qiu as a spy, I was wild with joy. Her still living is the best information to me."

Yan Hui was silent for a moment: "If you spirit away Xian Ge, Su Ying won't let you off. Qing Qiu also won't let you off. Where will you be able to protect Xian Ge after that?"

Feng Qian Shuo's eyes flashed: "That part needs Miss Yan's help. Saying thus, will you assist me in two days time?"

Yan Hui fixed her eyes on him: "Will you clean up your 100 concubines?"

Feng Qian Shuo broke out into laughter: "They are chess pieces I placed over the past years to secretly grow my power under my now dead uncle's own nose."

Hearing that, Yan Hui basically already agreed. She started to nod her head when she suddenly thought of another thing: "I'm naturally willing to save Xian Ge. However, right now you are asking for my help. I want you to promise me something first. Then I'll help you to the best of my ability in two day's time."

"Oh?" Feng Qian Shuo raised an eyebrow. "Speak, Miss Yan."

"I know that you are helping Ling Xiao," said Yan Hui. "What is he planning? Can you tell me?"

Feng Qian Shuo's slightly darkened: "That matter........is a long story." He paused. "If Xian Ge safely enters my residence, then I will write down everything from the beginning with detail and hand it over to you."

"Alright. It's a deal."

"You can't take it back."

Chapter 89 | Chapter 91


So I can't support Xian Ge in this. She hid the death of her own family. I can't agree with that. What are your thoughts?


  1. Thank you for the updates 😊

    If Yun xi still alive when Xian ge knew about her being kidnapped then I'll hate her, even she is a great friend for Yan hui...but if Yun xi already dead by then...I can't really blame her for hiding the info to stay a bit longer with the one she loved...maybe she need time to prepare her heart to separated from him, and at least she didn't hinder Yan hui from digging the info about the fox lust fragrance and Yun xi

    Everytime this novel mention head senior disciple, my heart ache...but Tian Yao little act of kindness to Yan hui can soothe it. I want more Yan hui and tian Yao 💕

    1. Yes, I agree with you. If she didn't know about the death and delayed the news, I could still understand her. But yeah she still wrong. But if she knew and cold-heartedly stayed her hand, then uh-no girl you can't live.

  2. "So I can't support Xian Ge in this. She hid the death of her own family. I can't agree with that. What are your thoughts?" Same here, I cannot agree with that. And if I was Yan Hui, as a friend, I would do anything for her to have a lesser penalty at trial.

  3. Effrctively, this is a situation where she has to choose between her love and her family.
    Intellectually, I think she is wrong.
    Emotionally, I can understand the choice she made, because it is very human (or would it be demon, since demons are more driven by passion?)

    I think it is a very interesting contrast to the choice that was made earlier by the healer fox's (forgot her name!) beloved, who chose logic over passion (well, until her death)

    1. And just adding to / concluding what I said above.

      I feel like the author wants the readers to understand the complexity of emotions.
      The healer's lover can be said to be heartless because her chose righteousness over love, and we tend to denounce him for it.
      Now here is a situation of choosing love over righteousness (admittedly, a warmer version since it is family rather than ideals), and yet we denounce her for this choice as well.

      Ultimately, in any of these situations, there just isn't an ideal choice. We all just live our lives and have to accept the outcomes, good or bad. Overall, a very philosophical situation.

      Or maybe I am just thinking too deeply hahahaha!

    2. I can see your point, thematically. That said, she let her aunt die (or alternatively just let her body be desecrated by her murderer) so that she wouldn't blow her cover and have to leave someone who literally held her slave contract and who she didn't actually have any relationship with. She didn't even think he returned her feelings or that a healthy relationship would be possible (think 100 concubines). She wasn't protecting him from backlash - she was just being selfish. So yes, I think her decision was wrong.

      On the other hand, the healer's lover was also selfish in that he knew that his fellow cultivator's prejudices were wrong, but went along with them even when it meant the death of his lover because he wanted to preserve his own reputation and life.

      I'm not saying that these situations aren't morally grey, but I also don't think that means we have to completely reserve judgement.

  4. Omg I am so mad at Xian Ge. It’s fine to love and like someone, but you cannot just stay there and watch them killing your own people. Those foxes and her aunt were killed. She is a betrayer. I understand her but I cannot justify her action. I would kill her if she came back to my clan.

  5. I don't agree with XG action either. What she did is unforgivable, it's big betrayal towards a close family member. I cannot reconcile that.

  6. Xian Ge is disgusting. And that doctor was an idiot. There is a war going on and she went to meet her lover, even if he tried to protect her, he wouldn't be able to. She died because of her stupidity.

  7. Oh wow I kind of hate Xian Ge now, I never expected her to betray her family for a man. Especially for a man that has never been loyal to her like seriously what's his appeal? I get that he's handsome but what else made her fall in love with him other than that? Maybe I would understand her decision more if her feelings for him were explained to us more but they weren't so I can't help but hate her right now. No cheating man is worth betraying your family idc, I've lost a lot of respect for her. Even though I personally want her to be punished for being the traitor that she is, I understand why Yan Hui is going to help her, because even if Xian Ge did mess up, they're still friends and Xian Ge helped Yan Hui when she had no one else to depend on.

  8. Xian Ge deserves punishment for what she did. And Yan Hui betraying the clan that keeping her safe for that traitor? Dumb move. The 9 fox tail king already said nothing is more important that family. Yanhui didn't think what she did will endanger her and Tianyao?

  9. Wow I see most ppl now hate Xian Ge. Since there's no detailed info about when has she learned about the princess I'm assuming it was after she died. No one has thought that Xian Ge might be also reluctant to see another great war between demons and xians? It could have been a factor to her decision and not a small one.Just thinking about prolonging her time in the Central Plains to sporadically see her lover seems ....too stupid.
    She lived in conspiration for many years (although I wonder how it could be a successful identity hiding if she used her own nameXD) it doesn't look like she had close ties with her family. Then she knew another bad news (she was gathering a lot of infos and most of them would've been bad -bc those matter more right?) and there's nothing to be done to save the princess but revealing the information wouldn't bring any good just war and her to have to go back (maybe she didn't want to be back no only because of the lover) while at the same time it was a matter of time when that happen so ... I don't blame her for deciding to not take an action.

    'P.s. they talk about fate a lot so "if there has to be a war then there's nothing to be done to stop it but I don't want to rush it" kind of thinking seems reasonable too.

  10. Ugh I was suspicious of Xiang Ge when it was revealed she’s a fox demon for the same reasons her clan had. But I was really hoping my suspicions were wrong. 😪 she’s not worth saving.


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