Chairman Husband, Too Boorish Ch 5: Letting Go Isn't Easy at All

I want to leave a note before the chapter starts. There's one paragraph that does a play on words which doesn't translate at all in English, so I'm going to explain it here.

Ning Zhi Yuan's name is 宁致远.
There's a chinese idiom/chengyu that is "Ning Jing Zhi Yuan 宁静致远", which translates to "still water runs deep".

As you can see, the two are very close. It's just off by one character. You'll see this in the chapter when the author says Ning Zhi Yuan is similar to what his name means (referring to the idiom).


"Wasn't he supposed to come next week?" Yan Liang put away her phone and lifted an eyebrow. "If he's here, then he's here. What are you so fired up about?" She smelled a whiff of perfume from Zhi Yin and spoke between laughter and tears, "You even put on perfume?"

Qin Zi Yin giggled playfully, "It's to leave a good impression. We need to hurry up and return to the office."

But Yan Liang said, "Right now is our break. Even if our new boss is coming, we don't have to race back."

"That can't do. Just now Lise called. She said everyone has gathered. Of course we have to go back." Qin Zi Yin dragged Yan Liang. However she didn't expect to come across Ning Zhi Yuan at the company's doors.

"It's Ning Zhi Yuan." Qin Zhi Yin was very tactful. She greeted him and said to Yan Liang, "Make it quick. I'll go ahead and go up."

When Qin Zhi Yin walked away, Yan Liang's expression completely sank, "Why are you here?"

Ning Zhi Yuan and Yan Liang started to date in high school. By the time they were in college, they had already met each other's families. They originally planned to get married this year. Ning Zhi Yuan was just like what his name suggested, Ning Jing Zhi Yuan- Still waters run deep. His appearance stood out. It made people think he was very gentle and scholarly. Not only that, he really did get good grades in school. He also did well once he graduated. Yan Liang had really once thought that she would spend the rest of her life with him. But who knew, in a blink of an eye, he and her best friend would have that kind of a relationship......

Yan Liang was never one to be overly nice to those that hurt her. The two most important people in her life both paired up and betrayed her. It was like the two had a pair of sharp knives, aimed it at her heart, and ruthlessly stabbed twice. The pain she felt, only she knew exactly how much!

"Liang Liang, can you please talk to me?" Ning Zhi Yuan's face was full of remorse, but this expression actually made her feel even more disgust.

She laughed bitterly. She looked at Ning Zhi Yuan with anger and derision. "I don't think we have anything to talk about. Actually, anything that needs to be said, I hashed out with Jing Shan. Ning Zhi Yuan, you should go back right now and treat Jing Shan well. Being cheated on is my misfortune, but Jiang Shan is pregnant now. What is the meaning behind looking for me again?"

"It's not like that, Liang Liang......"

"Watch how you conduct yourself. Don't call me Liang Liang anymore. I'm not your Liang Liang." Yan Liang bit her lip and kept down the bitter feeling in her throat. Finished speaking, she turned around and walked toward the elevators.

Ning Jing Yuan's tall and lonely figure stood in place. He wanted to chase after her; he wanted to explain to her. However seeing her tense back, he suddenly felt like anything he said would be futile.

He messed up. There's was no way to restart.

When the elevator's doors closed, Yan Liang couldn't control her emotions anymore. Hot tears poured out. She didn't have time to wipe away her tears before they raced down her cheek. She buried her face in her hands, fiercely biting her lip. It was the only way to prevent any sounds from escaping.

It had been about a week since that incident. She hasn't told a single soul what happened. She thought she would easily get over it because that kind of man wasn't worth the pain. But today, out of the blue, she encountered Ning Zhi Yuan. It was then she realized letting go isn't easy at all.

After so many years of love, he had already become a part of her. To forget, it was like she had to gouge out a piece of her heart.

Yan Liang was still mired in her misery, unable to escape when the elevator doors dinged. Footsteps were on the other side. She heard a vaguely familiar voice fawningly say, "Chairman Liang, this way......"


  1. thanks for the chapie n ur hardwork >.<

  2. Hmm.. it's a misunderstanding but since the ex boyfriend has (maybe) sleep with her ex friend then he must take a responsibilty

  3. She needs to confide someone all these bitter feelings (instead of getting DRUNK ahem) let's hope her parents/other friends aren't snobby or non understanding... Otherwise she's gonna go down this pregnant route alone


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