Broke Millennial by Erin Lowry: Thoughts about Ch 2

Chapter Title: Is money a tinder date or marriage material?

  • Basically it's asking if  you "hit-it-and-forget-it" or having a "long-lasting relationship".

  • Right now, I would say a mix of both. I earn it and forget it. It sits there. Mostly no financial investment, which is bad since that means it's losing value. At the same time, at least I'm not spending like crazy. Most of the time. Recently I have started to spend more. I do need to start cutting back. 

As E. Lowry writes, you want to think of money as "marriage material, not a random Tinder date." That way, you can retire with ease instead of living paycheck to paycheck. You get to enjoy the nicer things in life.

  • Totally agree with that. I work so I can get money so I can enjoy life. I don't want to be constantly worrying if I have enough money

The book says the way you deal with money is mostly determined "by your mental attitude towards it". Therefore, you have to figure out "what factors are influencing" your attitude towards money.

  • I get what she's saying here. At the same time, I wish this was expressed a little differently. Something a little more simplistic. Sometime like, how you deal with money is mostly determined by how you feel towards it. Therefore, you have to figure out why you feel what you do towards money
    • Maybe that's too simple. 
"Unless you take control of you finances, money will call the must be willing to take the time to understand your relationship with money, and, in turn, control its impact on your life."
  • Nicely put. I think that summarizes really what this entire financial help genre is all about. Knowledge is power. Lots of people don't understand, so they don't do anything with their money (that's me 😅), or they invest in random things and hope for the best (also me 😅). Fortunately, I'm still young-ish, but I'm definitely worried what retirement will be like. Just understanding a financial knowledge will help.

Lowry says there are three general groups: Team YOLOFOMO, Team Guarded Optimist, and Team Dreaming About Retirement

  • Essential, YOLOFOMO = spend it now, Guarded Optimist = I'll get there in the future, Dreaming About Retirement = save it all. I'm definitely the last one. MUST. SAVE. But Lowry makes a good point. When you die, you can't take the money with you. Live a little today for happy memories later. People have told me that before, and it's something I do need to work on. I won't go spending like crazy of course, but sometimes it's nice to have a new piece of technology, or buy that thing you've been eyeing for months. 
    • New Goal: Get a iPad or Switch on Black Friday. 

Short Term Goal: Read a chapter at least 1x a week, preferably at least 2x a week

Medium Term Goal: Learn how to invest and what to look for

Long Term Goal: Know enough about financial planning to actually have a conversation instead of just nodding and trusting


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