"Get my life in shape" plan

I've been thinking about how to better myself and how to keep at it. It's easy to say how to improve your life. Exercise. Sleep better. Less phone/TV. Eat healthier. It's much harder to actually keep it up. Habits are hard to form but easy to break and all that.

Well, to keep myself on track or at least try to, I'm going to do what a blog is for. Actually blog. So now when I read a chapter from the financial help books I bought, I'm going to post my thoughts on it. I hope I can keep this up. I think it'll be good. An active way of reading. I realized I tend to skim when I read. It lets me read fast, and I do remember what I read. However, it's only temporary. I forget what I've just read within a week or two. I kinda lost my love for reading in a sense. I used to dive in so deep and remember all these random details. Now sometimes I fail to remember plot points. It's bad.

While I'm on this "get my life in shape" plan, I might as well try some other stuff:

  • Yoga at least once a week. 
  • No dirty dishes left overnight (Attracts bugs and roaches. Ew)
  • Sweep the floor once a week
  • Vacuum the carpet once a week (need to buy a new vacuum)
  • No extra spending until the end of the month and only then if I'm within my spending budget
I actually used to do all of the above......sigh. Habits are so easy to break. Maybe old habits will be easier to pick up....I can do it!


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